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Grand Opening of Sululta Kindergarten in Ethiopia!
We are thrilled to announce that the Sululta Kindergarten in Ethiopia officially opened its doors on November 22, 2024! This marks the completion of the first stage of our project, a significant milestone achieved through the generous contributions of our supporters.
Our heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who has donated to the children of Sululta. Your support has been instrumental in making this dream a reality. Both we and the children are profoundly grateful for your kindness and generosity.
However, our journey is far from over. As we move forward to the second and third phases of our project, we continue to seek your support. We need additional funds to purchase essential materials and ensure the smooth operation of the kindergarten.
Without your ongoing support, none of this would be possible. Together, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of these children. Please keep supporting and donating to our cause.
We invite you to explore the photos and videos of the official opening to share in our joy and see the impact of your contributions.
Thank you once again for your unwavering support. Let’s continue this journey together!

We are facing a situation where young children are not fed the minimum diverse diet they need in early childhood to grow and develop well. What and how children are fed in early childhood determines their survival and shapes their growth, development and learning for the rest of their lives. Your help we can help these children to develop normally!!!

Education for sustainable development is one of the dramatic challenge’s parents are facing. Education is the route out of poverty for many children. It gives them a chance to gain the knowledge and skills needed to improve their lives. You can give the gift of education by supporting school programmes so families can send their children to school.

Protection and Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination. With your help we can protect many which are victims!!!
Kinder-garten School  & Children's home Project Sululta
Previous photos
We are non-profit Charity & NGO Organization
• Every donation is important and we are very thankful.
This project is only possible with your donations!
 • As a sponsor, you become an official supporter of the kindergarten project
 • Please support our kindergarten!
$74.000 DONATION

                                                                                             ABOUT US!
The Ethio-Africa Life Foundation was established by Mr. Mrs Aster  Rosentreter. Aster  who was born in Sululta Ethiopia. She dedicated   herself to improv the lives of little children, who come from  families  with difficult backgrounds. Education is indeed a crucial factor in  breaking the cycle of poverty and providing a brighter future for those  who are forgotten. The main objective of our project is creating  educational opportunities for the children which is a commendable  initiative of  EALF by  providing them with access to quality education.
Ethiop Africa Life Foundation  (NGO)  is  registered in Hamm Germany The goal of the EALF  is to build a pre-school in Sululta.  kindergarten preschool from the  age of 3 years, of which handicap children are mostly privileged.  
Due  to the rapid population growth in Sululta, increases the demand for  essential services. Without adequate infrastructure and support, it  becomes a challenge for the all community to thrive. Many children are  left  hopeless by their own, running around the streets to get food. We  understood  that they is an urgent need to support these children, that  is why we decided to handle by building a pre-school and healthcare  facilities as soon as possible.
Our  organization has the potential to make a substantial impact on the lives of many people in Sululta.
Collaborating  with other stakeholders, both local and international, can further  enhance the effectiveness and reach of our efforts.
In  addition to education, the supporting of the children by feeding at the  school also initiatives to support families and communities in other  ways. Access to healthcare is essential for the well-being of the  population and investing in healthcare facilities can significantly  improve the overall health of the community.
Build  sustainable development requires a multifaceted approach, addressing  various aspects such as education, clean water, healthcare, livelihood  opportunities, and community empowerment.  We can only make a different,  if we work together ,  endeavors to create a brighter future for the  children of Sululta. We want to show the children the love is everything  and everywhere for the coming up generation.
There is already a commitment for the operation of the school and its costs by the government.
Furthermore,  there is a partnership with JABULA AFRICA Production & Circus Bahir  Dar Center Art school of Ethiopia for the construction of a training  hall for arts, sport, music, dance & cultural activities for boys  and girls.
On  the Ethiopian side, there is a team of volunteers, such as teachers,  former school directors, committed parents and citizens of the city of  Sululta, who support the project and will carry out both construction  work and tasks at the school to be built.  
So we are not alone, but we need your help.
My name is Aster  Rosentreter I am the Founder  and Board Member of the Ethio-Africa Life  Foundation. I am an origin  citizen of the Sululta town.
The population of my hometown, Sululta, has grown rapidly in recent years to about 200,000. Ethiopia currently has a population growth rate of 2.5%, which corresponds to an annual increase of about three million people. In addition, the civil war in the north of the country recently caused the immigration of numerous internally displaced persons.
However, it was not possible to invest in schools and health care. People are increasingly seen begging in the streets. Above all, parents with children. These children do not get to know any other life and thus enter a cycle that is difficult to break. For me, as a native of Sululta, it is a matter of the heart to give these people - especially the children - a perspective for a better life through education.
                       - Aster Rosentreter, Founder and Board Member of the Ethio-Africa Life Foundation -
Certificate of Support for Women! Awarded by the Ethiopian Ministry of Women and Children Affairs
General Information about Salulta Ethiopia
The child mortality rate is 59 per 1,000 (for comparison: Germany is 4 per 1,000) and the average income is $680 USD. A large portion of the population lives below the absolute poverty line of $1.25 USD per day, and the situation outside the capital, Addis Ababa, is even more critical than in the metropolis. Most people live from agriculture. Sululta is located 25 km away from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The local designation is Kebele 01.
Our Vision for Sululta: Beyond a Kindergarten
The opening of the Sululta Kindergarten is just the beginning of our comprehensive vision for early childhood education and community development in the region. We are committed to creating a holistic environment that nurtures the overall growth and development of children. Here's what we envision for the next phases of our project:

·       Cultural Training Center
·       Workshops: Traditional music, dance, and art classes.
·       Language Classes: Local language lessons.
·       Community Events: Space for gatherings and festivals.
·       Playground and Recreational Facilities
·       Safe Play Areas: Modern play equipment.
·       Sports Facilities: Areas for various sports.
·       Green Spaces: Gardens and green areas.
·       Enhanced Preschool Programs
·       Interactive Tools: Modern educational technologies.
·       Qualified Educators: Training programs for teachers.
·       Health Programs: Nutrition and healthcare initiatives.
·       Community Support and Involvement
·       Parent Workshops: Education on child development.
·       Volunteer Opportunities: Local and international volunteers.
·       Sustainable Practices: Environmentally friendly initiatives.
·       Join Us in Making a Difference
·       Your support is essential. By donating, volunteering, or spreading the word, you can help us create a nurturing environment for the children of Sululta. Together, we can build a brighter future.

Come and Find Us
Kinder-garden School Project Ethiopia is situated in Sululta.

Other ways to Give
They are several ways you can help us with your donations. We are very thankful for every help.

Become a Friend
You can donate and support any of our children for as long as you can and become their friend.

November 02, 2024/ ETHIOPIA

November  30, 2023 / Frankfurt
Fundraising Project

Köln, 2018 / Köln
Fundraising Project
Made by Joe Mvurah Productions
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